It may be a taboo topic for some, but there’s nothing taboo about making sure you are experiencing the best possible health for your entire body – including your lady-parts. Child-bearing, hormones, and aging can cause physical changes that can rob women (and their partners) of their sense of well-being and happiness. What many women may not realize is this isn’t a reality that they just have to accept. Just as with most of the symptoms related to aging and menopause, there are treatments and solutions that can provide effective relief and improvement.
Vaginal rejuvenation treatment is just as it sounds – it provides a transformation or renewal of your vaginal area that can significantly improve your gynecological and sexual health. Ensuring your health for your vaginal area is just as important as any other part of your body – which is why it’s important that women understand the options for treatment available to them.
Never considered vaginal rejuvenation, or not sure if this is a treatment that you’d benefit from? Consider whether you’re experiencing any of the following:
- Vaginal dryness
- Loose vaginal muscles
- Painful intercourse
- Increased urinary leakage and urgency
- Lack of vaginal sensitivity
Each of these conditions can be dramatically improved with rejuvenation treatments from systemic or topical hormones to pelvic floor exercises and physical therapy. The following are symptoms that vaginal rejuvenation can treat:
- Vaginal Laxity: tighten the vagina at the introitus and the full length of the vaginal canal
- Vulvar/Labial Laxity: tighten the labial tissues and reduce noticeable sag
- Vaginal/Vulvar Dryness or Atrophic Vaginitis: add softer and thicker skin and relieve dryness without the use of hormones
- Mild to Moderate Stress Incontinence: reduce accidents and leakage, and possibly reduce urge symptoms. Used with consistent Kegel exercises, Vaginal rejuvenation especially using radiofrequency may reduce or eliminate the need for mesh slings
- Sexual Dysfunction: increase sensitivity and strengthen muscular contractions, leading to greater sexual satisfaction for women and their partners
As women, our gynecological and sexual health is of utmost importance. Fortunately, the symptoms that come from aging and having children can be addressed and improved. To learn more about what options are available for your specific situation, you can visit my practice website, or schedule a consultation on my website and we’d be happy to talk through the procedure with you!