Although my medical focus is on peri/menopause, what I really care about is helping women as they make the transition through this special time of life. That means not only providing support for the physical aspects of the transition, but the mental, emotional, and spiritual facets, too.

That’s why I think self-care is so important. It’s a chance for us women to give ourselves the time and attention that we’re so quick to give to others but can withhold from ourselves. The practice of self-care can nurture those emotional and spiritual parts of ourselves as we move from one phase of life to the next.

If you’re struggling to incorporate self-care into your life, here are some tips and tricks to make it the priority it should be.

Say “No” More

The only way you can spend some time caring for yourself is if you’re not overbooked taking care of other people. You are not responsible for helping everyone else meet their goals, and it’s okay to focus on your own agenda over other people’s. Only say yes to things you deeply care about. Saying no can be tough to do at first but it gets easier with practice.

Prioritize Sleep

Restful sleep is the foundation of good health, mental clarity, and positive mood. It’s not a luxury but a necessity. Unfortunately, shifting hormones in perimenopause can cause sleep disruptions, making it more challenging to get a good night’s sleep. The first step is to improve your sleep hygiene. Next, focus on reducing stress levels, as elevated cortisol can cause insomnia and disturbed sleep. If that doesn’t do enough, look into hormonal therapy. Natural progesterone or hormone replacement therapy might be the solution to your sleep issues.

Develop a Ritual

A ritual is like a routine but elevated. It takes the ordinary and makes it something special. By incorporating a ritual into your daily schedule, you guarantee that you have that time every day to focus on yourself. A ritual doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, and in fact it shouldn’t be. Mine involves a short morning soak in the tub with soft music playing, then I put essential oils on different parts of my body and set my intentions for the day. It’s simple and it doesn’t take very long, but it keeps me grounded and it’s my sacred time, every day.

Work with a Coach

A coach is someone who is committed to helping you reach your goals. Like a coach in sports, they cheer you on, help you overcome your self-doubt and limiting beliefs, and support you as you bust through what’s holding you back. There are different types of coaches depending on where you need the most support, including business coaches, life coaches, and health and wellness coaches.

You can even work with coaches who are more specific; for example, I’m a coach, too, helping women as they face challenges in perimenopause. Hiring a coach may seem like the ultimate self-indulgence for some, but having someone by your side whose only agenda is to support you can be truly life-changing.

To find out more, you can visit my website and while you’re there be sure to take a few moments to complete my menopause assessment.