Foods That Aid Menopause Symptoms

Foods That Aid Menopause Symptoms

While menopause is a tough time for many women, I have some patients who seem to breeze through without a problem. What’s their secret? They all eat very well. And by that, I mean they eat a plant-based diet free from inflammatory foods. I can’t stress just how...
How a Low Functioning Thyroid Can Mimic Menopause

How a Low Functioning Thyroid Can Mimic Menopause

Take a look at some of these common signs and symptoms associated with menopause: Mood swings Difficulty sleeping Fatigue Weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight Dry, itchy, and/or flaky skin Thinning hair on scalp “Brain fog” (difficulty concentrating and...
The Women’s Guide to Self-Care

The Women’s Guide to Self-Care

Every woman I know is juggling many responsibilities and many roles. She’s busy caring for family and friends while taking care of things at work and in the community. But there’s typically one person that’s far down on her list, if it’s there at all: herself. That’s...
Small Changes to Improve Your Overall Mental Health

Small Changes to Improve Your Overall Mental Health

When you’re feeling blue, it can be difficult to get out of your routine and make positive changes, but it doesn’t take a large effort to start to improve mood and mental health. The items on this list are low-effort but high-reward and can help you overcome inertia...
What Every Woman Over 35 Needs to Know About Hormone Health

What Every Woman Over 35 Needs to Know About Hormone Health

During perimenopause or menopause, your body is undergoing many changes, especially with your hormone levels. It is likely that you haven’t experienced this kind of hormonal change since puberty…and it may have you feeling “off.” There’s a lot to know about what is...