Your Guide to Vaginal Rejuvenation

Your Guide to Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation has become a trending topic over the past few years, and with more women asking their physicians about it, I realized that there is a lot of confusion about what this innovation actually is. I am happy to say that this is one of the...
Testosterone in Women: What It Is & What It Does

Testosterone in Women: What It Is & What It Does

Even if you don’t know much about menopause, you probably know that it involves fluctuating levels of hormones – primarily estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations are responsible for the many symptoms women experience as they’re going through “the change.” But...
How Menopause Can Affect Your Mental Health

How Menopause Can Affect Your Mental Health

What you hear the word “menopause,” what do you think of? I bet two of the first things that spring to mind are hot flashes and mood swings. These are two of the best known, and most common, symptoms of peri/menopause. Today we’re going to briefly look at how...
Mind, Body & Spirit Aspects of Menopause

Mind, Body & Spirit Aspects of Menopause

For many in the medical establishment, menopause is simply a physical process that a woman’s body goes that marks the end of her reproductive years. But any woman who has been through it knows that there’s much more to it. Menopause – or, more accurately,...
Pain During Intercourse? This Could Be Why

Pain During Intercourse? This Could Be Why

Pain during intercourse is unfortunately a common symptom for many women, especially women over 50. However, lots of women in the 30s and 40s experience it, too. If painful intercourse is an issue for you, it could be due to peri/menopause. Pain during intercourse is...