Hey family, it’s Dr. Arianna here! Welcome back to the Stay Juicy podcast—I’m thrilled to have you join me on this journey. In our last episode, we delved into the intricate and emotive topics of sex, lies, and body shame. Today, we’re diving even deeper, but before we get into it, pop over to YouTube to some notable changes to my usual recording space. I think you’ll find it inspiring.

So, you might have noticed a different vibe in the background. That’s because I’m broadcasting from my outdoor sanctuary. Yes, folks, I live in a warming climate, so even on January 5th, I’m cozy on my patio. I’ve got space heaters, my favorite sweatshirt, and a breathtaking view of the mountains. All these elements create my personal happy place—a space designed for peace and creativity. I encourage everyone to find their sanctuary because so much more gets accomplished when we’re in the right state of mind.

Reclaiming your space is an essential part of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. Trust me, it’s a journey. When my kids were younger, mornings were chaotic, leaving me no time to meditate or even think. Now that they are mostly out of the house, I’ve discovered creative ways to reclaim my space and, more importantly, my peace of mind.

Speaking of reclamation, let’s weave this into our ongoing conversation about sex, lies, and body shame. Particularly when it comes to sex, many of us have spent a large portion of our lives either trying not to get pregnant, trying desperately to conceive, or negotiating the ups and downs of menstrual cycles. Our hormonal shifts change our very outlook on life and how we perceive ourselves and the world around us.

Estrogen plays a massive role in shaping our perceptions and even our behavior. As women, estrogen nudges us towards being nurturers and caretakers. But guess what? This second half of life is all about reclaiming our own lives and finding our voices again.

One question I used to ask in my practice, which I think is central to living a fulfilling life, is: “What brings you joy?” Amazingly, so many women have never really thought about it because they’ve been too busy creating magic for everyone else. Figuring out what brings you joy and doing more of that is what staying juicy is all about.

On that note, let’s tackle the topic that we began last episode: the clitoris. I gave you some homework to understand the magnitude of this wonderful organ. The clitoris is not just what you see on the surface; it’s much more extensive with arms and legs that expand significantly during arousal.

Medical literature can be frustratingly vague, but general estimates suggest that the clitoris can enlarge anywhere from five to 500 times its size! During arousal, the tissue expands inward, making it crucial to understand the anatomy for your pleasure.

I want you to prioritize exploring your own anatomy. The best position to feel the full extent of your clitoris is on your hands and knees, letting gravity do its work. Feel around and appreciate the intricate design of your body.

Expanding beyond the clitoris, let’s discuss body shame. It’s staggering how many women don’t even want to look in the mirror. The judgments we pass on ourselves are harsh and unkind. Years ago, I used to hate my feet. They weren’t the picture-perfect ideal I had in my head. But with time and positive reinforcement—literally telling my feet, “I love you”—I shifted my perspective. Self-love might sound hokey, but it’s transformative.

Our beauty shines from within. If you cringe every time you see yourself, no amount of exterior adjustments will make you feel truly beautiful. Embrace every scar, every wrinkle, and every so-called imperfection. When you own your beauty and your space, you free yourself to find joy and pleasure.

Starting next month in February, I’ll be hosting “Cupid’s Playground,” a safe, anonymous webinar focused on sex anatomy for adults. This platform is all about unraveling the layers of ignorance and shame surrounding our bodies and their functions.

So, that’s it for today’s deep dive. Stay brilliant, stay beautiful, but most of all, stay juicy. I’m Dr. Arianna, and I can’t wait to see you on the next one. Remember, you deserve pleasure, and you deserve joy. Find your magic, and let it flourish.

Until next time, take care and keep exploring!

Warmly, Dr. Arianna